Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

Love, money and this economy



This Valentine’s Day eve, we’re thinking about love and what the economy has to do with it. Coming off the heels of a high-inflation period, is this a good time in our economy to find love? On the show today, Julia Carpenter, a personal finance reporter for The Wall Street Journal, discusses how the economy shapes our relationships, the growing wealth gap between single and married people, and the idea of a “money date.” Then, married people enjoy many legal benefits that aren’t extended to single folks. Is it time to change that? And this week’s answer to the Make Me Smart question is all about Swiftynomics! Here’s everything we talked about today: “Couples Embrace the Least Romantic Date Ever: The Money Date” from The Wall Street Journal “It’s Now 40% More Expensive to Be Single and Dating Than It Was a Decade Ago” from Time “‘I’m So in Debt That I’m Afraid to Date’” from The Cut “How