David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

Community Chautauqua at La Casa, Lisa, Erik, Jackson, Bernd, Jason and David, February 9, 2024



Community Chautauqua at La Casa, Lisa, Erik, Jackson, Bernd, Jason and David, February 9, 2024La Casa de Milagros and members of Living Miracles have been experiencing growth and joy, with everyone following their heart and function. This was celebrated with music and talk in a spontaneously arranged Chautauqua. The 'Jackson 3' plays new songs composed in collaboration between Jackson, Erik, and Bernd. The new book, Jesus, The Gospel of Love, is sold worldwide, which for some has been fully putting one's heart into something and not looking back to the past for direction.David and Lisa share the story of the community, which involves practicing miracles, mind training, and forgiveness, and Lisa reveals that she has been busy writing her memoirs. She shares her gratitude for the connection with God and the realization that she will never be able to leave this life until she has written the book.To participate online in a Tribe Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister, join our online community: https://programs.t