Wrestling Compadres Slamcast

What are we going to do with... The McMahon Legacy?



The horrific allegations detailed within the lawsuit against Vince McMahon have led the former Chairman of the Board to resign from his corporate position. WWE and TKO now need to decide how to handle recognizing not just the real person, but the on-screen persona of Mr. McMahon moving forward. Considering the company is very familiar with erasing characters and re-writing history, the Palskis discuss what to do with the McMahon Legacy and those intrinsically tied to it like Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shane, and Stephanie. Become a Patreon Palski and support the show while getting access to the live chat, the Watchalong Wednesday series, the pre-show and more! http://www.patreon.com/pwpalskis   Get official merchandise at www.dragonwagonshop.com  Smark out with the boys on our official Discord https://discord.gg/gcRb48rkw3  Pro Wrestling Palskis is part of the Dragon Wagon Radio independent podcast network.