Macon Money Podcast

Retirement Planning Is Harder Than It Used To Be



Every generation likes to talk about how much harder things used to be when they were kids. Like all of the people who used to have to walk five miles to school, in the snow, uphill both ways. But they had at least one thing that was EASIER…and that was retirement planning. In this episode, we’re diving into the changing landscape of retirement planning. From the complexity of investment options to the future of Social Security, we’ll discuss the obstacles faced by today’s retirees. Tune in as we explore why retirement planning is now more challenging than ever before and offer insights to help you navigate your retirement journey with confidence.   Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode: The shift away from long-term company loyalty and the decline in company pensions The unpredictability of the housing market + high costs and interest rates The increased complexity and risks in today's investment landscape The growing challenges of the “sandwich generation” The strain on Social Security due to fewer