Everybody Matters

A Truly Human Approach to Pre-Hire Assessments



The leaders of your business can affect its health and vibrancy. They also can have a tremendous impact on the people within their span of care in the business. So, when it’s time to bring someone new into your organization, how do you know when you’re hiring the right person? You can’t always rely on your gut or a couple of meetings. If you make the wrong decision it can be devastating to the business and the people within. When Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute works with an organization to identify leaders, they use a number of proprietary pre-hire assessments and tools to help make those determinations. But it’s not a bunch of impersonal, rigid tests. They take a truly human approach to pre-hire testing, to make the best decision for everyone involved. On this podcast, we’re going to explore how to keep the humanity in pre-hire assessments with the experts at Chapman & Co. First, you’ll hear a mini-case study as Chapman & Co.’s managing partner, Sara Hannah interviews a customer, Carol O’Neil