Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Cop Killer Paroled, The Hearing for Them and Others.



Cop Killer Paroled, The Hearing for Them and Others. Insight into crucial parole proceedings as an Alternate Parole Board member for the New Jersey State Parole Board, Dr. Paitakes brings to bear his extensive 50-year background, which includes stints as a probation officer, esteemed professor at Seton Hall University, and author. Recalling a grim chapter in New Jersey's annals, Dr. Paitakes revisits a fateful summer night in 1963 when two police officers were gunned down in a local bar, leaving one assailant incarcerated for a lifetime, an incarceration that spanned decades until an unexpected parole release. The grisly incident serves as a stark reminder of the perils faced by law enforcement. Cop Killer Paroled, The Hearing for Them and Others. Central to Dr. John Paitakes' narrative are the parole hearings he has participated in, notably one concerning a convicted cop killer. Despite the inmate's apparent lack of remorse and antagonistic demeanor toward the parole board, parole was ultimately granted upon