Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Honoring Police Deaths, You Can Help. Saving A Hero's Place



Honoring Police Deaths, You Can Help. Saving A Hero's Place.  Remembering Police Sacrifices: Your Support Makes a Difference. Upholding the Legacy of Our Heroes. With Honor Chairs. Officer Sean Collier, a dedicated guardian of MIT's safety, tragically lost his life while on duty. Ambushed by the Boston Marathon bombers on April 18, 2013, Officer Collier was shot and killed in his patrol vehicle, leaving behind a void in the community he served. His death, amidst the chaos of a city in crisis, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers faced by law enforcement officers every day. Similarly, Deputy Kyle Dinkheller's life was cut short in a routine traffic stop turned deadly shootout in Laurens County, Georgia, on January 12, 1998. His murder continues to draw national attention, highlighting the risks officers undertake to protect their communities. Out of such tragedies, Saving A Hero’s Place, Inc. emerged with a mission to honor the memories of officers like Collier and Dinkheller. The initiative began with a