Leaving Laodicea

587 - The Purpose of the Christian Life – Experiencing God



The Problem: Dry Ritual Without RelationshipFor many believers, Christianity has become a religion of rules devoid of a relationship. We know we should have a quiet time, serve in church, avoid sin, and so on. But all this outward conformity easily lacks the inward reality of actually connecting with God. We act spiritual, without ever experiencing the presence of the Spirit. And that is a sad, yet common experience for many today.How did this happen? Partly because we’ve made faith all about knowledge over an encounter with God. We prize book learning, doctrinal precision, and intellectual comprehension of Scripture— forgetting you can memorize the Bible and miss the Lord of the Bible. Information in our heads doesn’t necessarily lead to transformation in our hearts. Why? Because head knowledge alone breeds pride, heart encounters with Christ breed authentic life change.The Pattern: Experiencing God Transforms UsYet Scripture shows us a better way. When Moses