Empowered Patient Podcast

Non-Hallucinogenic Psilocybin-Based Therapies Promote Neuroplasticity Show Promise Treating Mental Health Disorders with Joe Tucker Enveric Biosciences



Joe Tucker, CEO of Enveric Biosciences, discusses the use of neuroplastogen therapies for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Enveric has developed the Psybrary, a portfolio of compounds inspired by psilocybin that bind to the serotonin receptor in the brain and induce neuroplasticity without the hallucinations. The lead candidate EB-003 is intended to be administered orally and taken regularly as a maintenance therapy. Joe explains, "This whole neuroplastogen space was recently discovered, and it was discovered through academic research that we're looking at the effects of these agents we call psychedelics, psilocybin being the active ingredient in magic mushrooms and a very well-known psychedelic agent. It was in looking at psilocybin and other molecules known to be psychedelic agents like ayahuasca and LSD and others that scientists realized that what's going on is you're activating a particular receptor in the brain - something c