Madison Church

Exploring the Intersection of Science and Scripture: A Journey Through Genesis & Theories of Creation



Ever thought about the perplexing crossroads of science and the Bible? Have you pondered if the Bible can stand the test of our scientific knowledge or if humans and dinosaurs shared their days on earth? In our lively discussion, we tackle these burning questions and more, inviting you to consider the Bible not just as a source of divine wisdom but also as a lens to view our scientific world.We journey back to Genesis, the bedrock of creation, and excavate the intricacies of the Hebrew language that underpin the narrative. From the nuanced interpretations of 'day' to the creation of the world and the first human from mud, we aim to shine a light on these age-old tales. We also delve into the three perspectives on the Bible and science: young earth, appearance of age, and evolutionary creationist, reminding ourselves that curiosity about the Bible reflects not mistrust but a relentless quest for truth.As we turn the final pages of this enlightening episode, we encourage you to ask, to seek, and to kn