Inciting A Riot

51: Episode 120: Inciting A Crystal Riot



Episode 120 of Inciting A Riot: the Podcast sees the return of Pagan geophysicist and podcaster Kathleen Borealis of Borealis Meditation!  We talk about the history of crystals in magical use, how to find crystals on a budget, and what two stones you must have in your witchy kit (believe me, you won't guess what they are).  You can find Kathleen on her podcast Borealis Meditation, or by searching out @KatBorealis on Twitter! Support Pagan media! Consider giving a small donation to! You’ll get cool rewards like unedited video and audio podcasts from Inciting A Riot and Inciting A BrewHaHa, as well as bonus extras not published anywhere else, plus deals and coupons! Patrons are charged on a per-creation basis, so you only pay for the content you want! Love and Lyte,  Fire Lyte Blog: @IncitingARiot on Twitter Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes: