Inciting A Riot

67: Episode 136: Inciting A Homeschool Riot



Episode 136 is an interview with Tiffany Newson, founder of Sankofa Newson Academy.   We talk about her decision to homeschool, stigmas and joys, and that pesky question of "socialization".  Additionally, we discuss what it means to be a black mom in Trump's America, and how being a homeschool mom allows her to guide discussions of race and politics for her children.    Then, of course, we couldn't do a Pagan show without touching on her spiritual roots beginning in the Baptist church, discovering Wicca, and moving on to African traditional spiritual practices and Hoodoo.  Find more of Tiffany at the links below:   Instagram   South Fulton Homeschool Collective63 members   Sankofa Academy Facebook Page   Patreon supporters heard this show first! Consider giving a small donation to! You’ll get cool rewards like unedited video and audio podcasts from Inciting A Riot and Inciting A BrewHaHa, as well as bonus extras not published anywhere else, plus deals and coupons! Patrons ar