Inciting A Riot

88: Episode 157: Inciting A Witch Boys Riot



Episode 157 of Inciting A Riot is an interview with Joe Phillips. Joe is a comic book artist with an impressive resume that includes Marvel and DC, and he is also the creator of the viral witchy sensation "Witch Boys", which features a diverse array of queer men as witches. We chat about the comic book industry, authenticity, and inclusion in media, and the sometimes uncomfortable compromises one makes when making a living as a full-time artist.     To find more about Witch Boys, you can visit the official website here.  Joe's website is here. Because it is December, there is a lot of talk in the ether about "best of" style lists and reviews alongside a general push to tell people to "be positive". I felt it was a good a time as any to talk about the intersection of "toxic positivity" and honesty. If you don't feel like hearing me talk about it, the interview with Joe starts at 18:45.  Patreon supporters heard this show first! Consider giving a small donation to! You’ll get cool