Inciting A Riot

"How do you have 'The Talk' with your kids?" with Kathleen Hema



Everyone is scared of "The Talk". We avoid it by using phrases like "the birds and the bees" instead of proper names for our bodies. Parents hope the schools do it but don't want the schools to do it and if the schools do it anyway they want to teach kids not to do..."it". And I get it. The intersection of sex education and children is uncomfortable, especially these days when children are being used as footballs by people who are more interested in scoring political points than making their lives safer and better. Not to mention the fact that when The Talk does happen, it tends to exclude folks belonging to LGBTQ+ or disabled communities.  Enter Kathleen Hema. She's a sex educator with multiple advanced degrees and years of experience teaching children, adolescents, teens, and young adults. These days she's helping parents and kids find better ways to have The Talk through social media and her fun, informative videos. We have a deep dive discussion that will, hopefully, help you get comfortable with this un