Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

The snowball effect of high interest rates on the national debt



The Congressional Budget Office projects that the national deficit will grow by a trillion dollars in the next 10 years. Soaring interest payments on the national debt are one reason why. We’ll explain why that’s a problem for the United States’ fiscal future. And, was the Senate’s high-profile hearing with a spread of Big Tech CEOs all for show? Plus, Disney’s new one-stop-shop sports streaming venture and what Sweethearts’ clever rebrand says about today’s dismal dating culture. Here’s everything we talked about today: “U.S. deficit will soar in the next decade, new CBO projections show” from Axios “Sen. Klobuchar explains what it takes to protect children online” from Marketplace “Disney CEO Bob Iger on new streaming bundle partnership: I’d rather be a disruptor than be disrupted” from CNBC “When it comes to live sports, consumers show streaming services the money” from Mark