Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

Gender and the labor market



New data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics offers a glimpse into the gender and racial makeup of occupations in the U.S. workforce. One takeaway from the data: Many jobs are still highly gendered. Guest hosts Amy Scott and Nova Safo get into it. And, we’ll explain why the chickens may be coming home to roost for banks due to commercial real estate vacancies. Plus, we’ll play a heated round of Half Full/Half Empty! Here’s everything we talked about today: “Yellen: It’s ‘obvious’ that empty office buildings will create banking stress and losses” from CNN Business “Yellen sees more commercial real estate stress, losses, but no systemic banking risk” from Reuters “40% of Lawyers Are Women. 7% Are Black. America’s Workforce in Charts” from The Wall Street Journal “Some colleges are bringing back the SAT and ACT requirement” from Marketplace “The Hottest New Accessory in LA Restaurants? Your Takeout Con