Unraveling With Greg And Joey

Episode 17: Knitters' Confessions



Episode 17: Knitters’ Confessions In Episode 17, Greg and Joey talk about deep, dark secrets, center pull yarn, and soap. Sponsor Special thanks to our sponsor: Coveted Yarn! Coveted Yarn is a local yarn shop in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is an authorized dealer of our favorite knitting needles: Karbonz, by Knitter’s Pride. In addition to a great variety of widely distributed yarn, Coveted Yarn offers their own signature line of yarn — Flat Rocks Yarn, which is dyed by the shop owner’s sister. You can also find McPorter Farms knitting accessories and buttons at Coveted Yarn. World-wide shipping is available. Contact them via their website or at 1-978-282-8809 for more information and to place an order. Notes Giveaways: We gave away a copy of the Take It Easy: Knits For Relaxing book fromKnit Picks, along with enough yarn to knit Walk By The Seasideby Jessica Anderson. Thanks to Knit Picks and Jessica Anderson for providing the review and prize copies of the book and yarn! We gave away a copy of the Ri