Unraveling With Greg And Joey

Episode 19 - Literally True



Episode 19: Literally True   In Episode 19, Greg and Joey talk about singers, fair knitting, and ukulele gatherings. Sponsor Special thanks to our sponsor: Coveted Yarn! Coveted Yarn is a local yarn shop in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is an authorized dealer of our favorite knitting needles: Karbonz, by Knitter’s Pride. In addition to a great variety of widely distributed yarn, Coveted Yarn offers their own signature line of yarn — Flat Rocks Yarn, which is dyed by the shop owner’s sister. You can also find McPorter Farms knitting accessories and buttons at Coveted Yarn. World-wide shipping is available. Contact them via their website or at 1-978-282-8809 for more information and to place an order. Notes Giveaways We gave away loads of prizes from the County Fair KAL. Spoiler alert: everyone who entered the KAL won a prize. Tune in and find out what you won. Notes from the Ravelry Group Knitter’s Confessions: a safe place to confess your deepest, darkest knitting secret. Projects Joey is working