This Endolife

Signs You’re Low in Vitamin D and How it Affects Endo



Recently, I’ve had a lot of low levels or deficiencies show up with clients. Many of them were experiencing low moods, cyclical pain or heavy menstrual bleeding, fatigue, heart palpitations, aching muscles, and overall feelings of inflammation. Whilst yes, these can all be due to or linked to endometriosis, we have to be careful about blaming everything on endo and not investigating these kind of situations further. In some of these cases, I suspected low iron and in others low vitamin D, or low B12, depending on the symptoms presenting. I think many of us just don’t always believe these essential nutrients can make such a big difference, but they absolutely can. And lo and behold, each client I tested, was low in the nutrients I suspected and felt a significant difference with prescription level supplements. So, I’m not sharing this to show off and prove I was right – I’m sharing this to alert you to the fact that some of your symptoms may not just be endo. Read more. Need more help or want to learn how to