Power Line

The Three Whisky Happy Hour: Civil War and the Fire This Time



John Yoo is where?? Mexico!?!? So after all that talk the last couple weeks saying the situation at the southern border did not constitute an "invasion," now he's in Mexico on some undisclosed clandestine mission. Which makes no sense: they don't even have McRibb there. Taking John's place this week is Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum, frequent contributor to the New York Post, First Things, The Federalist, and other premier outlets, and co-host of the High Noon podcast on the Ricochet network. She was more than game to join Lucretia in beating up on Steve.We invited Inez to weigh in on the long-running debate we've been having here about the Civil War, how to understand it correctly, and how presidential candidates like Nikki Haley should talk about it. From the we take a look of David Frum's quixotic attempt in The Atlantic to "uncancel Woodrow Wilson," to which were in heated agreement that David is off his rocker.Then John Hinderaker joins us to give us the latest news about the firebombing o