Sharp & Hot

Episode 106: Fix My Sourdough!



It’s a sourdough starter Sharp & Hot spectacular! Emily Peterson is joined by Sarah Owens, author of _Sourdough: _Recipes for Rustic Fermented Breads, Sweets, Savories, and More and proprietor of BK17 Bakery. Sarah Owens spent years baking conventional baked goods, only to slowly realize she had developed a crippling inability to digest or tolerate their ingredients. Unable to enjoy many of her most favorite foods, she knew she must find a health-sustaining alternative. Thus Sarah started experimenting with sourdough leavening, which almost immediately began to heal her gut and inspire her anew in the kitchen. Soon after, her artisan small-batch bakery,BK17, was launched, and with that, a new way to savor and share nutritious sourdough breads and treats with her Brooklyn community. “You never want to underfeed your starter. If you leave it on the counter for a couple of days, you can feed it back to back two or three times in 8 hour intervals and get that microbial population going again.” [23:00] “Comm