Nourishing The Mother

NTM 450: Stop holding yourself back: 9 years of lessons and learnings in pursuing your work in the world + conscious motherhood



The point of this podcast is to leap before you’re ready, and do the thing that makes no sense, even though it’s hard. We want you to have the courage to back your dreams instead of staying in the excruiciating agony instead of staying in the excruciating agony that is ‘the waiting place’.Don’t focus on perfect, and move forwards with us, through our lessons and learnings that you can implement straight away.In this episode we discuss:- Just fucking starting!- Embracing the peaks of the experience, and the valleys when it all feels too hard.- There’s medicine and service in your pain and wobble- Holding yourself in the valleys, be reconnecting to why you’re here, that’s not dependent on outcomes- Waiting to ‘have space’ after you tidy ‘this mess’ is folly- Life doesn’t get easier, you just get more accountable- All parts of you need a creative pursuit- If you wait for perfect you’ll wait forever- The scared part within us is there to listen to, and check in with, so you can move into greater alignment- Stop w