Learning Unboxed

217. Bridging Worlds: Inspire High’s Revolution in Global Learning with Ian Shimizu



In this episode of Learning Unboxed, we're exploring the inspiring world of educational innovation with Ian Shimizu, the navigator at Inspire High, a pioneering edtech program based in Japan. Inspire High is revolutionizing the way teenagers connect with the world, offering interactive sessions with creative minds from diverse fields. It's about bringing real-life stories and experiences into the classroom, and Ian is at the forefront of this educational transformation.Ian shares his journey with Inspire High, from its inception to its current state, discussing the challenges and triumphs of connecting students globally. We delve into the program's unique approach, which integrates interactive quizzes, guided conversations, and a platform for cross-school interaction. This episode is not just about what Inspire High does; it's about the broader vision of empowering students to realize their potential and make informed life choices.Join us to hear Ian's insights on the future of education,