Critical Conversations

#047: The Importance of Understanding and Treating Lymphedema and Lipedema: Expert Advice from Jean LaMantia, RD and Cancer Nutrition Specialist



Lymphedema and lipedema are two conditions that often go misdiagnosed or overlooked, despite their potential to significantly impact a person's long-term health, especially women. Join us for this special conversation with Jean LaMantia, R.D., a cancer nutrition specialist, and an expert in nutritional support for the conditions of lymphedema and lipedema. One of her superpowers is digging into the research that does exist and making connections. Jean is a Registered Dietitian in Canada and the United States with more than 20 years’ experience helping people to achieve their nutrition goals and use food to fight cancer and cancer recurrence. She has researched and authored or co-authored three books on nutrition for cancer, lymphedema and intermittent fasting: the links for them and other key resources are in the Show Notes for this episode.  Although they sound the same, these two conditions are very different, and women can up having both at the same time. In this episode, we will explore those differences,