It's Erik Nagel

Laugh Free or Cry Hard



'IT'S ERIK NAGEL' with MATT OG & GITTLES INTRO [0:00:00] Intro SEGMENT 01 [0:02:30] Could Robert Mueller firing cause chaos. US bombs Syria, but we've moved on from that. What did we miss last week. Bruce Willis roast. How Facebook thinks you stand on politics. Mom lectured at Target over PBJ sandwich. Idiot youtube feeds toothpaste oreos to homeless man on video.  BREAK [1:27:19] Break SEGMENT 02 [1:29:07] Weekend box office. TV/Movie Updates: 'Lost In Space', 'AP Bio'. 'Rick and Morty' fans continue to ruin things. Erik finally sees 'The Thing' and hasn't seen any of 'The Terminator' movies.  BONUS TIME [1:59:16] HEAR 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL' ON:  IHEARTRADIO ITUNES GOOGLEPLAY STITCHER SPOTIFY TUNE-IN  Amazon Echo: "Alexa...Play The Program 'It's Erik Nagel'" FOLLOW 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL': TWITTER / INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / WEBSITE