Stay Calm Don't Panic

Teens Turning 18 + Dungeons and Dragons | Ep. 144



What you should know about parental rights and teen responsibilities when your teen turns 18. When teens turn 18, it is cause for celebration! Parents and teens alike can pat themselves on the back for having made it to this point! This milestone brings about significant changes in the dynamics of your relationship with your child. Here’s a guide on how to deal with these changes while considering parental rights, teen rights, and adjustments in your parenting style.   Also in this episode: Sports betting, terms, and gambling resources. Dungeons and Dragons is becoming mainstream. Here's what you need to know. . . In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: - Gambling Resources: 1-800-662-4357 - SAMHSA or 1-800-GAMBLER - Gridiron Games: Super Bowl Bingo - Dungeons and Dragons: | Movie - Grown and Flown: 50 Things You Can Do When You Turn 18 (Who Knew?) - Lawrence Financial Planning: What You Need To Know When Your Teen Turns 18 - Teen Life Podcast: Sports Betting | Talkin