Your Mileage May Vary

Surprise MMF Threesome, Womansplaining, Orgasm Expertise, Monogamy While Sugaring



Some men might not be upset to find out their partner invited another man to join their bedroom festivities. But, even those who at some time or another have declared they'd be up for "anything" may not really mean they want to take it quite that far. Who are the real masters of the domain of orgasm? Is it perhaps time for women to concede that men might just have a better grip on the human sexual response cycle, given the frequency with which they "check the equipment"? This is of particular import when discussing a porn Mike shared with the audience (link below) where the male partner always urges his counterpart to orgasm during PIV sex. It doesn't really seem like she ever does. What insights can a woman gain into the male desire (or lack thereof) for monogamy from sugar dating? Probably quite a lot, though there are certainly individual differences between men. To follow along with the videos discussed at the beginning of the episode: We get a lot of our questions from Reddi