Holmes Movies

Alternative Oscars - Episode 13 - 41st Academy Awards



It’s Awards Season yet again. Here on the Holmes Movies Podcast that means, it is time for the Alternative Oscars episodes! AKA the Anders and Adam-emy Awards: Each episode for this series we pick a different year in Oscars history and attempt to correct the record, stripping the undeserving of their garlands while recognizing those who were cruelly overlooked. This time, we will be casting our eye back to… the 41st Academy Awards, the year that honoured the best films of 1968. It was held April 14th 1969 for the first time at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Carol Reed's Oliver! was nominated for 11 Academy Awards and won 5, including Best Picture and Best Director. Stanley Kubrick received the only Oscar over his entire career that night for Best Visual Effects (2001: A Space Odyssey). It was also the year where there was a tie for the Best Actress in a Leading Role category. Listen to the episode and find out who Anders and Adam believe should have won that night! Subscribe/Follow and check out the rest of t