Screw It, Just Do It | Alex Chisnall Chats With Ray Kelvin, Richard Reed, Steven Bartlett & Others Every Week. Alex Chisnall:

#17: The Disruptive Entrepreneur - Seedrs co-founder Jeff Lynn



"We both saw this as an opportunity to really build something exceptional and I think we thought from day one up to today that this has the opportunity to be absolutely massive." This week I speak to Seedrs co-founder Jeff Lynn who's mantra is "Equity Crowdfunding done properly". With offices in five European countries and high profile investors like Andy Murray and Richard Branson, Jeff believes crowdfunding offers fantastic opportunities for both investors and private companies looking for investment. What started as a University project has now resulted in over £230 million of investment in over 500 companies - and all that in under five years. I also speak to Jess Titcumb, founder of Twisted Halo drinks who, having just been stocked in 200 Morrison's supermarkets, is looking for investment through crowdfunding. Coming from an entrepreneurial family, Jess had gone from studying classics at St. Andrews University to launching her own drinks brand with a friend from university as co-founder. Initially things