

"When I said to them 'What's your favourite flavour of your noodles', one of the brothers looked at me with a sly grin, smirked, and said 'we don't eat our own noodles Damien'. I said, 'why wouldn't you eat your own noodles?' And he said, 'If you knew what we put in our noodles, you wouldn't either". Damien Lee has just conquered cancer - for the second time. And all whilst building a team of over 20 people and raising millions of pounds to build an award-winning, premium, no-nasty, gluten-free cup noodle. He's also developed a noodle kiosk that will deliver a hot cup of noodles that is set to revolutionise the food-to-go industry. Damien has also eschewed the traditional route to market via supermarkets and sells via their online store, amazon, their kiosks on university campuses, hospitals and on trains - for now. Oh, and I forgot to mention that he's done all this whilst bringing up his two boys as a single dad. Here's his compelling story.