

"To be completely transparent with you, we had made the decision...we opened in Boston - and it didn't work out. It didn't work out for us because we weren't well enough funded, and we didn't have the core systems in place to run a two location business." Nikolay is the founder of Taylor and Hart, an award-winning online jeweller for custom engagement rings who have over 2,000 happy customers and have generated over £2.5 million.  Now - would you like to increase your average order by 50% or more? Because that's exactly what Nikolay did after attending Techsters in Boston in 2015 where his long-standing assumptions were challenged.Including the one that 98% of their customers were men. Since rebranding their average order is up 50% and they have the best of both offline and online with the store in London and plans for future stores in both the UK and the US. We talk about experimentation, the advantage of speed and of challenging your assumptions.