

"It's been absolutely brilliant. I've had the best year. If you'd have asked me if I'd be in this position last year I'd have said absolutely not and I feel very lucky. I have worked incredibly hard over the last 12 months but we went into the Liberty store a few weeks ago..and it's a nice journey to be on at the moment." Happy New Year! on today's show I welcome Hayley Measures from Born Nouli - Greek for 'being born fearless". Hayley initially supplied base layers to the British ski and snowboard association and which has now evolved into gym and yoga activewear leggings. Hayley shares how she quit her day job after she got sick of buying 'How to' books on Amazon.  For those of you still thinking about starting a business, Hayley tells of her struggles juggling a career, motherhood and a long-distance relationship with her partner in the French Alps, and going all-in with Born Nouli: Being born fearless.