

"Running a startup is a rollercoaster, and there are constant up and downs. I think that the most important thing in those ups and downs as a person is identify when you're down and just telling youeself that this is something temporal.  Eventually you hit the bottom. And then you go back up. As long as you are aware that at the bottom you can only go up, and ou will go up can probably overcome everything." I welcome Dror Ginzberg founder of Wochit. Dror has over 25 years of experience in technology with the focus on video and related tech. As co-founder and Ceo of Wochit, Dror provides over 600 global news brands, media brands, publishers and professional bloggers with the video creation platform for production of video content at scale and speed.  After starting his career in techhnology whilst serving with the Israeli defence forces, he's now on his second tech startup. And with offices in New York, London and Israel he's a man on the move. I manages to track him down at his home in Tel Avi