

It has been an insane year for Amber Venz Box. In the course of 12 months, her online-shopping app, has drummed up more traffic than Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter did in the same length of time... A few years earlier Amber and her boyfriend now husband, Baxter Box, had revolutionized the fashion world when they figured out how to do the near impossible: easily monetize the content of fashion blogs.  Amber Venz Box, the Co-Founder of both rewardStyle and, has created two platforms that have not only shifted our behavior as consumers but have also disrupted an entire industry. Her idea that brewed in a coffee shop and grew in a tiny apartment has exploded into a multi-national business with 250+ employees across eight offices around the world.   In 2011 Amber, who had just started her blog, and her boyfriend at the time (now husband) Baxter Box, co-founded RewardStyle to provide a way for bloggers to monetize their shopping referrals, similar to personal stylis