

" When I had my son I thought I would spend a year gazing into his eyes and being a real earth-mother. Very quickly it didn't go to plan and I ended with an emergency caesarian, I couldn't breastfeed and I felt like a real failure to be honest. I was also massively sleep-deprived and I couldn't imagine having the same career and because TV was incredibly sociable and was about going out for drinks. But I was in a different place now." Erin Thomas Wong, created the Making Mumpreneurs online community for mothers starting and running businesses around family life. Having children has inspired a new generation of mums to start their own businesses.  The Making Mumpreneurs online community is designed to support and empower mums running their own business. Founder Erin Thomas Wong formerly worked in TV production, but once her son was born, Erin set up a number of businesses from home including Ealing Mums in Business and Pitter Patter Hub, a hub for parents and carers with young children and babies. She was awar