Screw It, Just Do It | Alex Chisnall Chats With Ray Kelvin, Richard Reed, Steven Bartlett & Others Every Week. Alex Chisnall:

#082: Turn Your Passion Into Your full-Time Job - Harley moon Kemp



"I think I was always influenced by the freedom of being able to do what you want, which was how I grew up. My parents just always said you can do anything if you pick something you like. Make that your job and you'll always be happy. That's all I ever grew up with". Harley Moon Kemp left school at 16 when, after discovering photography, she initially shot celebrities for free to get noticed. Shooting people like Paul Weller & Liam Gallagher might leave you starstruck. But when your father is Spandau Ballet Star Martin Kemp, and your mother is Shirlie Kemp, one half of 1980's pop duo Pepsi and Shirlie, that's not the case. Fast forward & despite Instagram making everyone think they were a professional photographer, Harley launched her own photographic agency. I caught up wth her to find out how she started out. Let's StartUp!