

"If you've got something unique and believe it's genuinely different to the other stuff that's out there, you just need to believe that wholeheartedly, and tell as many people as you can". On today's show I welcome Sara Collinge from Clarity, an International Communications Agency with offices in London, New York, Berlin and now San Francisco.  A number of guests from this show have passed through the doors of Clarity including Freeagent's Ed Molyneux, Vasiliki Petrou from Unilever Prestige and David Galsworthy from Techspace. Other clients include brands such as Fidor, Outbrain and Transferwise.  Part of Sara's remit is to oversee Clarity's international portfolio of fast-graowing tech startups and scale-ups.  Having recently atteending a one-day PR course I found it really beneficial personally and therefore thought it would be massively beneficial for you to hear from a PR expert like Sara and hear the different ways a startup or scale-up can promote what they do. Without the need for a big budget. Add tha