Screw It, Just Do It | Alex Chisnall Chats With Ray Kelvin, Richard Reed, Steven Bartlett & Others Every Week. Alex Chisnall:

#091: Overcome Stress with One Minute Morning Rituals - Katie Brindle's Hayo'u Method



"I find working, doing a startup, and trying to manage a family life and keep all the balls in the air extremely difficult - and I mess up all the time. My children are incredibly patient and understanding. I'm always the mother who's not at the football match at the school, or that I get the date wrong for the cake sale. Then I get really guilty. But the good thing about working for yourself like when they have the nativity play or concerts then you do have the time to take that time out of your day and do those things. That's the advantage, even if you're working til midnight later." Inspired by chinese medicine the Hayo'u Method offers effective methods to combat stress. Over the years as a practitioner Katie has become convinced that stress was the underlying cause of all the ailments she was diagnosing and treating herself. A car accident put to Katie's hopes of becoming an opera singer. So she embraced Yang Sheng which is an approach to self-care to overcome complications around fertility, weight, stres