Screw It, Just Do It | Alex Chisnall Chats With Ray Kelvin, Richard Reed, Steven Bartlett & Others Every Week. Alex Chisnall:

#107: Changing Your Life & Leaving a Legacy with Lucy Chamberlain



"It was a big risk financially. I was solely responsible for my daughter, I had a big mortgage, I had lots of commitments. The #Screwitjustdoit moment came when I was sat at a breakfast meeting with my clients after 9 months of Ed and I discussing this new business we wanted to set up. He'd just had enough of my delays and my "yes when, yes when, yes when" and he just picked up the phone and said "Look, Lucy, give me a decision by Friday or otherwise let's just move on"... On today's show, Lucy and I talk about life-changing events that can lead to your #Screwitjustdoit moment, following your dreams and not somebody else's and also women conforming to what's expected of them. Lucy's a passionate advocate of female entrepreneurship, a respected innovator and leader with over 20 years in her industry and as a single parent to her daughter she has powerful insights into authenticity and leadership. Let's StartUp!