

"Why are you coming to my site? Who are you? Because personally I couldn't explain to anyone why have you got 6 million visitors coming to your site every month? I know what they're doing on my site, but why are they doing it?" Welcome to episode #118 of Screw it, Just Do it where I welcome Chris Parker. Chris has a problem that most of us would love to have - what to do with 6 million web visitors a month? He's the founder of . He's an entrepreneur, and online privacy and security expert and he's got a fantastic story to tell... Just wrapped up my first Podcast Masterclass from the Screwitjustdoit HQ in Bournemouth and I'd love to help you if you're thinking of launching a podcast. You are you're on my media so in my opinion, if you've got your own business, you should have your own podcast. I'd love to help you with it, take a look at my brand new Podcasting Academy here plus I'll be announcing new physical Masterclasses next week. On to Chris's story, and he's clearly doing a pretty