

"The January rush happens, every year, in February, people are giving up. How do we fix that problem? Using these 3 things that we've identified, how do we apply that to a product that can tackle that particular industry?  "All of us have jumped on planes and lived overseas and started other companies. Once you've got that passion and bug to try and do something that you really enjoy, it's difficult to put that down when you've really got that great idea, or you think you've got that great idea and trying to deliver it. "I think there's going to be more innovation in the next 3 years in the fitness sector than we've had in the last 30 years. A lot of the stuff that Dan mentioned, Sammi mentioned, technology, it's all coming to a head now and it's going to create some incredible businesses. And I do think there will be a Netflix of fitness, a platform that will be as familiar as Spotify, Uber, Netflix in the fitness sector and we hope we're that platform but there are some other great companies out there who a