

"Instagram's actually terrible at connecting people in the offline world. And, it really is a photo contest. It doesn't really matter how knowledgable you are or how qualified you are as long as you're taking nice pictures, that's how you're going to grow your influence, and so we're basically saying "look this is total BS", on myCrew, we're championing people of influence versus "influencers". We're saying, on myCrew, you're going to build the real influence and the more you do, the more sessions you host, the more people you attract and the more sign-ups you get, and actually, people showing up, the more prominent and influence you're going to get on our platform. And that's a pretty powerful sale for the people we want to attract." On today's show, I welcome Greg Drach, Co-Founder of the world's first social platform for fitness, myCrew.  myCrew was created by the brains behind the world's largest social running club, Midnight Runners, and global internet phenomenon Dubsmash. Having witnessed both the tran