

Would you like to know how you can build out your entire week's content plan from just one pillar piece of content? To take just one piece of content and turn that into 10, 20 and even 30 pieces of content.   On episode #130 I talk you through how you can build your entire week's worth of content from just one piece of 'pillar' content and map out your entire week's social media posts. If you'd like to see how I do that from just one podcast episode - my 'pillar' content - go to the Screw it, Just Do it Facebook page  or on my personal pages just search @alexchisnall. To explain, your pillar content could be taken from a podcast interview, a blog you've posted on your website, a talk at an event, a vlog you've posted on Youtube. And all of your week's content will be taken form just this one pice of content. At the moment I take my weekly Q & A podcast and repurpose that into something like 7-10 pieces of 'micro-content' but it could easily be repurposed into 15-30 pieces.  Would you like to know how you