

"The fundamental reason why most startups fail is that it's literally not the right co-founding team. It's one of the greatest challenges you have as a founder - to find a co-founder with those other skills you need to build a great team and a great business. Many of times you are close to bankruptcy, many times there are other big issues. Great founders find a way through that - tenacity is critical. Sometimes teams succeed not because they are the best one, not because they have the best business model, but because they didn't give up." Welcome to the trailer for episode #137 with Norwegian entrepreneur Magnus Grimeland. Ex-Navy seal, Harvard graduate and co-founder of Antler: Startup Generator. It's Magnus and Antler's mission to turn the world's top talent into great founders of great companies. I'll be talking to Magnus about: Focus Collaboration Problem-solving Let's StartUp! Join me on Wednesday, June 10th for the full episode.