Screw It, Just Do It | Alex Chisnall Chats With Ray Kelvin, Richard Reed, Steven Bartlett & Others Every Week. Alex Chisnall:

#149: How To Optimise Your Health & Fitness By Testing Your DNA - Dr Dan Reardon



"June 27th of June 2013. For months we had been talking about when we would launch. I phoned Stuart and said 'Time's up. We're going.' I set up a PayPal link, put a post out on social media and to our email list saying this is the product, this is the secret. Literally within two hours we'd sold about £12,000 of products. Stuart called me and said 'We don't have any DNA tests yet' - so we had to stop selling." Only one episode away from #150! How did that happen! Joining me on #149 is Dr Dan Reardon, co-founder and Ceo of Fitness Genes. Those regular listeners to the show will know that I've been on a bit of a journey recently and completed #75HARD last Friday, July 19th. I'll be covering that in Saturday's #150, and also what I've decided to do next. #75HARD is a mental toughness challenge with obvious physical benefits as I lost 1.5 stone and 7% body fat. Plus I reached my #1 goal for 2019, twice! That was getting a #1 podcast. With nearly half the year still go, there's plenty to still achieve. Having been