Chip Baker- The Success Chronicles

The Success Chronicles #359- Robert Jackson



For every problem, there is a solution is Mr. Jackson’s motto. He began his teaching career 27 years ago in Indianapolis Public Schools with a No More Excuses teaching approach with all of his students after being cut from the NFL Minnesota Vikings. He set high expectations for his students and expected them to do well by teaching and coaching them how to use their circumstances as steppingstones into their futures. Those same students went from low performing to successful Pastors, Lawyers, School Administrators, Teachers, Pharmaceutical Sales Reps, Business Owners, Pro Athletes, Entertainers and more. He has become one of the most sought-after speakers in the country, delivering keynote addresses and workshops to educators, administrators, parents and students, corporate events and churches. He has become an expert in teaching cultural diversity, restorative practices, socio emotional learning, working with students who have experienced trauma, motivating educators and how to educate Black and Latino males.