Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Lord of The Blessing - Satisfied



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Embark on a spiritual journey with Apostle Sydney Quaye as he unveils the profound concept of divine satisfaction and its cascading blessings. Drawing insights from scripture, Apostle Sydney delves into the essence of being in God's likeness, paving the way for a life overflowing with divine favor. In this captivating episode, explore the transformative power of God's satisfaction, from the narratives of Abraham and Isaac to the promises of Psalm 103. Apostle Sydney invites you to discover the secret to a life filled with abundance, purpose, and spiritual fulfillment. Don't miss this opportunity to gain deeper insights into the divine blessings that accompany God's satisfaction.  Be blessed as you feed on this message.