F*ck Anxiety & Get Sh*t Done

Embracing Vulnerability with Jonny Bevan



Jonny joins today's episode to share about what is possible through Time Hacking and help us spread the word that Time Hacking is for men, too. Listen and learn how he overcame his "fixer" mindset to get help that helped him accelerate, how he sets boundaries and manages his time at work, with his full time job and his coaching business, and what's possible when we really embrace our vulnerability. Jonny shares some of what's changed for him since becoming a Time Hacker and you hear the story of how we connected. This is a powerful episode for anyone struggling to let others in, ask for help, or if you feel like fear is stopping you. If you listen to this and feel inspired to become a Time Hacker, we'd love to have you join us and maybe be our future podcast success story. Click here and join us:  https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers 1 easy payment: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/n76T2G2T/checkout 10 monthly payments: https://www.timehackers.xyz/offers/7zdTUAM6/checkout Want to get the personalized su