Popular Usa Majority

Don't Bother Me | MAGA Man



I was Republican Now I'm a MAGA man I loved our democracy Now I'm authoritarian I joined a MAGA cult That don't bother me Hell, this ain't my fault At least it's not Scientology Don't bother me Don't bother me I don't have a mind no more Don't have to think about nothin' I just do what they tell me to And agree with MAGA everythin' I know he's the worst person In the whole wide world Hell, maybe worst in history That don't bother me Don't bother me Don't bother me MAGA tells me I'm a victim MAGA tells me who to blame Feels so good to believe in them MAGA takes away my pain Maybe it's Hitler all over again History really does repeat Here comes my party of MAGA men Please don't bother me Don't bother me Don't bother me Don't bother me