The Balanced Blonde Podcast // Soul On Fire

296. Solo: How to Live as Your Future Self, Intention Setting & the 10 Spiritual Rules for Being Human



Happy new year, my loves! So thrilled to share our FIRST solo episode of the year with you today… ah!! I can hardly believe it. Welcome to 2023. I wanted to kick this year off with a one & one solo to tell you guys where I am at (and see how you’re doing) BUT I do have to tell you there is a special guest in this episode toward the middle and you’re gonna love it. ;)    In today’s ep we deep dive into: how to live as your future self, how to set intentions & visualize your future, goals for the year, minimalism, a re-introduction to myself (it was time), how to cleanse your home and your circle, I share some of my TOP book recs for the year, and we go over the 10 spiritual rules for being human, according to ancient Sanskrit texts. I have this list hanging over my bed, and it has changed my life. I hope it does the same for you!   Let me know your thoughts on my latest Instagram — tell me your fave parts and what you want to hear more of for this year!! Love you all so much — thank you endlessly for b